Soseaua Dudesti - Pantelimon, nr.42,Bucuresti, Sector 3 +40 730 097 108
Phoenix PCB

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Primim comeniz pentru serii mici si prototipuri.
Executam seri mici si unicate,prototipuri.
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Best prices 
and the best quality
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Deliveries according to schedule.
PCB Circuits

Principalele produse ale SC PHOENIX PCB SRL sunt circuitele imprimate rigide

Simple layer circuit

On FR-4 based material

Double layer circuit

With or without tinned holes

Simple layer circuit

With length till 2400 mm

Plantare SMD

Plantare SMD serii mici si mari cu corectare pozitionare

About us

 In the beginning we started out as being part of FELA ROMANIA SCS, one of biggest producers of PCBs in Germany. Starting with the year 2010 we became Phoenix PCB Romania taking over a very large part of FELAs portfolio.
          Our experience in PCB circuits started out in the year 2004 with the acquisition of a complete production line by FELA Romania, followed by trainings in Germany at FELA Hilzingers headquarters witch all led to assembling the production line in Romania and starting production according to the highest standards.
            Our customers come from several industries such as household appliances, industrial equipment and automobile industry.
         Please note that our company uses equipment and auxiliary equipment of the highest class such as LENZ, Svecia, HollMuller, Pill, Schmid, Atlas Copco and many others. Our raw material for PCBs is purchased only with quality certificates from our suppliers so that we can supply to our customers only the best products at the best prices.
          Our company’s advantage is that we can produce very long circuits. Length can reach 2400 mm, being limited only by the raw materials length.
          These kind of circuits are mostly used by LED lightning systems.
          We recommend our highly skilled team to find the perfect solution from mechanic to photo, development, serigraphy and data processing so that we obtain the best product at the best price.
          Va invitam pe cei interesati sa ne vizitati la sediul nostru situat în Incinta RAMS BUSSINES PARK(Sos.DUDESTI-PANTELIMON 42 Sec 3. sau sa ne contactati prin mijloacele specificate la sectiunea CONTACT.
Pentru cotatii si alte informatii va invitam sa ne vizitati la sediul nostru de pe Soseaua Dudesti-Pantelimon nr.42.
Ne puteti contacta si prin intermediul formularului de contact, puteti suna la numarul de telefon 0730 097 108 sau ne trimiteti mail la adresa